Friday, June 22, 2012

Take Care

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

So, I today I was going to write about a very important topic. But this one seems to much more relevant today. So here it goes...

This one goes to your body. Firstly, the most important thing is to make sure you're ok. Imagine your body as a car (honestly, it's the best example). You, as a car, have a transmission and an engine and and a gas tank and a battery. If you are inattentive to even one of those things, you're car is nothing but a non-functioning shell. With food, water, sleep...these things are all healthy for your "car". 

Further still, you have to listen to your body. Say that your reverse goes out or you begin experiencing pain in your abdomen. That is beyond important, yet we ignore it. Rather, I ignored it. I was too busy helping everyone else to notice the pain. I actually added to it by adding caffeine and alcohol and lack of sleep and sex. Now, on their own, none of these things are too damaging. 

Bu I didn't pay attention to any telling signs. As a result, I ended up with severe rib pain and dizziness and nausea. I finally listened to my body and went to the doctors. It turns out that I have a terrible kidney infection that was getting progressively worse. Good news for me is that it isn't the worst thing. It isn't cancer or kidney failure. But it could very well have been. 

Then where would things be? I would have been no use to those I try so hard to help. 

In short (and I'm sorry that this post is such), listen and take care of your body. You can't help anyone else if you're so sick that you can't get out of bed. 

I love you guys!

Do you need advise about a situation? Send me an email and I will try the best I can to give you pure honesty and advice.


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