Thursday, September 20, 2012

Inspired by Me

It All Works Out
Sunshine on my face, I still look back on this past year. While I do believe that it was a terrific learning process, it was the most difficult time in my life thus far. Some things I am never going to fully let go of. Still, I am a far better person than at the beginning of this beautiful disaster. I am finally through the bad, but the experiences will stay with me, making me stronger.
I moved out with my boyfriend and mother a week before I graduated high school. I then became a stripper. In that time, I got engaged, got into fight after fight about my mother’s habits and how they had begun to reflect my own. My mother and I spent weeks fighting about her habitual drinking, then ignoring each other. My fiancé always remained on my side, unwavering in his willingness to protect me.
Eventually, my fiancé and I moved in with a fellow stripper. The summer became soaked in rum and cokes, an endless parade of one dollar bills and clothes strewn about the floor. Music shook the walls nearly every night and every morning I woke up with a headache. I made good friends with bad intentions who tried to do nothing but make me smile. Sometimes, in the dark, one of my friends would whisper, “Alaska? Do you really love him?” My reply was always the same. I always said yes.
            In this time, I had gotten pregnant. With limited funding and quarrelling between myself and said stripper, I ended up living with my father and step mother. In those days, I worked at a call center as technical support for Re/Max agents. About 8 weeks and 6 days into my pregnancy, the baby’s heart had ceased beating. It had died and with it, a great deal of me had died as well. I attempted to put on a brave face for my fiancé, but on the inside, I was falling apart. It sincerely felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.  They said a surgery would be easier. I went into the hospital in the early hours of the morning and they put me under. When I woke up, I began sobbing before my eyes even opened. I knew that it was over. In the days that followed, my world fell apart. My mind was in a dizzy, foggy state. It certainly would not be the last time I felt this way.
The summer slowly melted into winter, with my broken heart healing very slowly. My fiancé and I had begun to fight. He hadn’t held a job for more than a month in the duration of our relationship and it began to weigh on everyone in the house. The more pressure my family put on me to make him find work, the more we began to argue. We argued about everything from the baby to the fact that my best friend wanted to spend time with me without him. One day, I drove over to his mother’s house after work to pick him up and was met with an extremely unpleasant surprise. His friend and mother locked me in the house and berated me with insults that began with his mother offering to assist me with suicide. That night, he moved out of my family’s house, but made it clear that we were still together. This last part became an arguable fact later.
Without him by my side, I began to see no color in my world. My room was always cold and the only time I felt like I was alright was when he called. We still saw each other as much as possible and spent many nights at a hotel. A couple of my friends told me they didn’t think he was good for me. They said he was a loser and that, in all likelihood, he was cheating on me. I ignored them, of course. For all of the things we had gone through, I really believed that he didn’t have the capacity to hurt me. He made me swear to him over and over again that I would not betray him, would not cheat on him, would not leave him.
The more time we spent apart, the more extreme his behavior became. He would spend nights screaming at me, only to apologize the next day. He would get drunk and say such horrible things to me that I really began to doubt myself and the faith I had placed in him. He explained that this was because he believed I didn’t love him. To prove him wrong, I walked 14 miles with a guitar strapped to my back to his house, where I serenated him. I believed that this was a romantic gesture (I didn’t even like walking from my car to the door), but he didn’t believe it to be romantic at all. He said I was foolish for trying. All the same, I took him to dinner and to a movie. When the lights came back on in the theatre, he seemed to be in a much better mood. “Love” seemed to be the only word on his lips.
One fateful morning, he called me. “Aly, I stayed up all night. I couldn’t sleep. I think I’m going to kill myself.” I know what I should have done. I should have called the cops or just told him to leave me alone. I guess hindsight is 20/20, though. I decided to call into work and picked him up. We ate breakfast and went to see yet another movie. We sat in the theatre and he promised me for the millionth time that he was being faithful to me.  
Later on, “how could you do this?” seemed to be the only words escaping my lips. However, I couldn’t scream them loud enough for my mind to function again. In stop and go traffic, the last person you want to be next to is the person who just broke your heart. Trembling, my foot shook every time I moved from accelerator to brake. My stomach churning and my mind racing, I recalled all the lies he told me. Finally, I stopped screaming, knowing it was useless. We went to a park, where he told me he just wanted to be friends. I knew that letting go was the only way to salvage the ruins, so I agreed and took him home.
The next day was the third time that year my mind entered such a terrible haze. My stomach sick, I asked to go home from work. My friend picked me up and we drove to her work, where she said, “Screw the…” and we devised a plan to take back the day, complete with manicures, hookah smoking, and hair-dyeing. Oddly enough, right then I received an email. This email told me I was accepted into University of Northern Colorado.
That’s when I had the most beautiful epiphany: everything works out. Seldom do things work out the way they are intended to, but they always work out. All of these experiences--the engagement, my mother’s drinking, the miscarriage, the breakup—led me right to where I needed to be, learning, living, loving the life that I have made for myself.
In the darkest of nights, the stars light up the sky. So why doesn’t anyone see it? Everyone is always looking around at each other, in envy or sorrow or anger. All anyone has to do is look up. People have told me many times that I am so very strong. I always ignored them. Now, I’m taking a look and realizing that I am. There were times where I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I never thought I could ever feel whole again. Still, I survived. How did I survive?
I looked up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Inspired by A Little Bit of Everything

I have compiled a list of 10 ways to be inspired:

  1. Watch movies. Watch movies about people and learning and experiences. The most euphoric feeling I get is always from watching movies with messages of enjoying the life you live. (I highly suggest Doctor Who)
  2. Take a walk. Go explore somewhere you haven't gone before. If you're in the Denver Area, go to Paris on the Platte or Gypsy House Cafe. But get out of your comfort zone and do something new.
  3. Observe the people around you and notice at least one thing that you could compliment them on. Making someone else smile is one of the most inspiring things you can do. It doesn't take too much effort to go out of your way to help someone else.
  4. Make your own "Inspire Me" Playlist. is something I swear by. I am always making playlists through there. Find songs that send chills up your spine, songs that make you happy, songs that make you want to do something. Send the link to me, though, because I'd really love to hear other people's INW playlists.
  5. Do something crazy! Experiment with your hair colour, sing badly in a tunnel, graffiti a sidewalk with chalk. Whatever you do, make it something you'll never forget (send me pictures and I'll put them up here).
  6. Make Art. Whenever I need inspiration, I draw silly things. Put your pencil to some paper and draw something. It could be squiggles or a cathedral, but fill every bit of the paper with colour and art. Also, write poetry, make music, sculpt.
  7. Ask someone about their life. Everyone always has something interesting to say. Many times, people just want someone to listen to them. Learning about others can also inspire beauty and excellence in yourself.
  8. ...And Tell people about you. The good, the bad, the everything. Talking about yourself, you can begin to realize how absolutely amazing you are.
  9. Meditate. Regardless of your belief system, meditation draws you closer to yourself and roots you to the world. The closer you are to the world, the more you want to be a part of it and create in it.
  10. Love. Ok, so you all probably know by now how against relationships I am, but I must admit that a huge drive to be excellent is love. It's not always love between a man and a woman. Sometimes, it's a mother's love for her child, a man's love of nature, a grandfather's adoration for his grandchildren. Either way, love drives you to excellence. Don't be afraid to love or of it leaving.

As always, I want desperately to know about my readers. What inspires you? What books/movies/music do you listen to? What crazy things do you do/have you done for inspiration? Send me pictures, send me playlists, tell me about movies. Send me your stories!

Ok, off of my soap box.

Stay Excellent,


Monday, September 17, 2012

Inspired by A Group of Amazing Women

Amazing doesn't even begin to describe how the world can be. With open eyes, you'll begin to notice how inspiring the world can be.

Each life is full of unique and beautiful experiences, all with their own trials. I had the privilege this weekend to spend time with some very wonderful girls, each one brilliant and inspiring. My best friend's mother had taken us to go get pedicures. I, personally, feel like I was the least inspiring out of the five of us there.

My best friend's mother sits, her eyes full of joy, saying she is so proud to have so many strong, beautiful women in her life. She is a veteran, divorced twice, with four kids and plenty of room in her heart for more (she calls me her adopted daughter). Her mother, much like mine, had made it difficult for her at times to grow as an individual. Through some unspeakable things she has been through, this amazing woman has stood strong next to me in a way that few have ever been. Regardless of the situation, she remains positive and her willingness to assist others is beyond imagination.

My best friend's sister is a soldier. With a smile in her eyes, she explains one of her greatest difficulties: "people don't get it. It is so difficult to be a soldier because, if you haven't been there, you don't understand what it's like. Sometimes, you ask 'why me?' If you stand next to someone and a bullet comes and kills that person next to you, you don't understand why it wasn't you. No one knows what it's like to not have a friend come back or to hear that someone has been killed nearby. We  operate as a tight knit family. If you're not a part of it, you really can't understand what it's like. You tell people you're in the military and they say 'Oh cool!" but they don't really understand. It can make you really lonely."

The young woman next to me chimes in, "it's the same way for single mothers. I can talk to people around me and they think they understand, but they don't know how it feels to be solely responsible for another individual." She plans to make a daycare that also operates as counselling for young mothers.

The woman sitting next to my best friend's sister agrees. She had been through abusive relationships and was endowed with an infinite amount of wisdom. "The worst part about it [looking for a man] is that no one can compare to your son."

Not every conversation we have is heavy, however. We talked about the worst dates we've had (the winner was a mooch who had been to jail--and never explained why he had been there) and who the weirdest crush is (mine is, of course, Anthony Stewart Head). Though their burdens are heavy, they are the sweetest, happiest women I have ever met.

It makes me think, though, if these astonishingly strong women can go through such obstacles and still keep a smile on their face, how can anyone feel hopeless?

Food for thought,


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Inspired by Ten Voices

Inspiration comes in different forms. Sometimes, it comes from movies or a really good song. Sometimes, it comes from a person. Maybe it's someone you just met, maybe it's someone you've known for a long time. Sometimes, it comes as an epiphany, a complete and total shock to your system.

In any way, inspiration comes to help you grow as an individual. It cannot be simply described. 

So, I will begin the week with some thoughts that inspire excellence.

“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” 
― Lance Armstrong, Every Second Counts

“If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is.” 
― Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head

“Courage: the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” 
― Maya Angelou

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” 
― Walt Disney Company, Mulan

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” 
― Socrates

"I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."
― Empire Records

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

“When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.” 
― John Green, Looking for Alaska

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” 
― Vincent van Gogh

"Be the change you want to see in the world"
― Gahndi

With that, I leave you until tomorrow.

Stay Inspired,


Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Tiny Tin Heart

And I may be romantic
And I may risk my life for it
But I ain't gonna die for you
You know I ain't no Juliet
And I'm not gonna watch you wanna burn yourself out baby
No I'm not gonna stop you
Cause I'm not the one that's crazy

-Ampersand by Amanda Palmer

Sometimes, you have days where you just want to curl up and go to bed, leave the world to its own devices. Sometimes, love doesn't exist in your heart and you just hate everything. I've been having one of those weeks. Darling readers, I will never lie to you.

I think I need this "Inspire Me" week most of all. 

Here is what I will say, though. Even in these extremely dark moments, I know I need not be without hope. If you are a good person, then you should realize that you're not the only one. You're never the only one.

I will divulge a little bit of myself here. Sometimes, I really fucking miss my ex. Is it healthy? No. Is it helping? No.

So, I'm at a stalemate. I can't move on, but I can't go back. It's really tough. What's a girl to do? Well, I have musical therepy. I pick the songs that fit my mood and pick up the results. What did they do? Amanda sang, "I may be romantic and I may risk my life for it, but I ain't gonna die for you, you know I ain't no Juliet." Laura Marling sang, "I will never love a man 'cause love and pain go hand in hand..." 

I feel so much closer to feeling better by listening. I shall withdraw to my tiny tin heart for brandy and cigars. I don't advise this method. I really don't. Sometimes, however, you need to feel a little less. Please just don't live your life that way.

That's all for tonight, but please watch for Inspire Me Week. I promise to inspire excellence.

Love Always,


Tiny Tin Heart Playlist by alyeskanstars on Grooveshark

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Out With the Old...

"And I am done with my graceless heart,
so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart..."
-Florence and the Machine

Sorry, guys! I am so so sorry that it has taken me so long to write another post. First couple weeks of college are killer.

There comes a time in our lives where we have to embrace the phrase "out with the old, in with the new." We sometimes must push past the old memories of broken hearts and stolen kisses in order to collect, well, new broken hearts and memories (perhaps some stolen kisses as well).

Recently, I have had to learn to let go of things: my inhibitions, my judgments, my ideals. Only some of them, but enough to make me re-evaluate myself as an individual. What do I want to get out of life?

I had to let go of the idea that everyone here at UNC is going to like me. For starters, I recently found out some people go here who I am not overly fond of. But also: there is someone for everyone. Every stoner, every geek, every athlete and actor has someone who thinks like them. We are, of course, all unique, but I find myself noticing that every person here belongs here.

I have also had to let go of some judgments I had made before coming here. The classes are not as big as I had expected, the food is way better, and college (as far as I have seen) is not just one big party. But there is a certain amount of beauty in that. I was pleasantly surprised once I dropped my judgments and preconceived notions about the college experience.

So here is my thought for the day: get rid of the ideas that hinder you, the memories that have become a stigma. Enjoy the moment you are in with whomever might be sitting next to you. You never know what you will have in common with them. They may end up being your next true love, your next best friend, or maybe it is just someone you will have a great conversation with and never end up talking to again.

Carpe Diem, my loves.

"Inspire Me" Week begins Monday.

Have a great day and don't forget to smile.
