Thursday, July 26, 2012

Single Week: Re-defining "Single"

"Some people are settling down,
some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for
anything less than butterflies."
- Sex in the City

Hello, lovely people of the web.

Today begins a week that I like to call "Single Week." This week, I will post the amazing things about being single. Beginning with what being single means.

Single, by definition of the internet, means "not accompanied by another or others; solitary; consisting of one part, aspect, or section; having the same application for all; not divided; unbroken." All of this can be information overload, so I'll just explain the parts that I feel are worth explaining.

(1) Not accompanied by others--being alone. Alone physically, alone in thought, alone in action. Why is it that, as humans, we fear being alone? It makes no sense. It ties back into my earlier posts about self-love. How can we expect others to want to spend time with us if we don't even want to spend time with ourselves?

(2) Not divided/broken--being one whole solid mess. This is my favourite description of being single. When I first became single, I thought I was broken, just half of a whole. As it turns out, though, being single means that you are one complete person instead of half of a couple.

Some of the most fantastic people in this world are/were single. People I'd love to point out: Kate Hudson, Sandra Bullock, J.K. Rowling, Joan Jett (who is my absolute idol), and Jane Austin. All these people and more, they have created beauty in their lives as single people.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I call to you and say: why hate being single? Being single is not the state of being in between relationships. Don't let yourselves be defined in that way. Embrace your "one whole solid mess" and run with it.

Now, am I saying that no one should ever get into a relationship or that they should get out of the one they're in right now? Hell no. I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying (like the quote) don't settle for anything less than the butterflies. And until then, don't lament being single. Have as much fun with it as possible.

Until Tomorrow,


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